Effective 2-4-2018 we will only ship to USA and Canada.Flat rate for USA $3.95.Flat rate for Canada $11.64.
Due to a USPS rules change, First Class Mail International Letters, Large Envelopes, and Flats can only be used to send documents.Therefore we must ship First Class Mail International Package service.
Please whitelist our email address sales@paseseeds.com should the need arise for us to contact you concerning your order.We never sell or share any customer information.
We have access to over 17,000 varieties through our network of breeders, growers and distributors.If there is something special you are looking for just let us know - we may have it.If not we can get it. /bp
All of our seed is GMO free. Simple as that!Remember a hybrid is NOT a GM seed.
This week we will be updating the tomato category to separate cherry & grape, medium to large and husk type.